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La Lettre aux actionnaires de Kering est publiée deux fois par an, en mars et en septembre. Elle a pour but de revenir sur les résultats financiers du Groupe et de présenter les différentes actualités des marques.
On June 8 and 9, 2022, in Paris, Kering held an event for the financial community. On that occasion, the Group provided updates on the growth plans and ambitions of Yves Saint Laurent, Kering Eyewear and Gucci. Presentations are available in the links below.
The 2022 Universal Registration Document outlines Kering’s organization, strategy, activities, results, financial situation and outlook.
The Kering Letter to shareholders is published twice a year, in March and in September. This document reviews the Group’s results and presents the news from the brands. The letter is sent by mail upon request: actionnaire@kering.com or +33 (0)1 45 64 65 64.
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