Stage 1: Avoid

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Stage 1: Avoid

To achieve its biodiversity goals, Kering focuses on avoiding any negative impacts whenever possible, especially in areas of critical ecological importance. “Avoiding” is a top priority, as it ensures there is ‘no-take’ from areas of the greatest value in conservation terms.
Kering’s commitments

•    Continue to ensure that all plant and animal-based raw materials in its supply chain come from legal, verifiable sources; and fully comply with guidance issued under CITES, the IUCN Red List, and other relevant national and international conventions. 

•    Continue to ensure that viscose and other materials based on wood-pulp come from supply chains that avoid sourcing from ancient and endangered forests, by using the CanopyStyle methodology and/or FSC certification. 

•    By 2025, eliminate the sourcing of all materials that lead to the conversion of ecosystems with high conservation value (using scientifically-recognized reference systems), with particular attention to forested areas, grasslands, wetlands and freshwater/marine ecosystems. This supports the goal set by the Convention on Biological Diversity of “no net loss of nature by 2030”.

•    By 2025, achieve 100% traceability of all materials to at least the country level, and to the farm level for key materials like leather.

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Spotlight on ongoing work: Avoiding ecosystems with high conservation value

As a Group, Kering protects critical habitats and ecosystems through its strict sourcing policies. For instance, the Houses do not work with suppliers that source leather from farms involved in any form of deforestation, such as in the Amazon Biome (where forest areas are still being cut down to make way for cattle farms). The brands enforce this principle through contractual clauses, which include traceability measures.

The Group also works with the NGO Canopy to ensure the supply chain is free of products sourced from ancient and endangered forests as part of the CanopyStyle Initiative, particularly when it comes to viscose and other cellulose-based materials.

Taken together, this approach to sourcing protects biologically-rich ecosystems, and allows wild plant and animal species to thrive in large, undisturbed surrounding areas. It also ensures the continued protection of forests, which are critical carbon sinks.

Finally, Kering’s sourcing policies ensure that all plant and animal-based products in its supply chain come from legal and verifiable sources. In the case of reptilians, for instance, the Group works closely with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Southeast Asian Reptile Conservation Alliance (SARCA) to prioritize both traceability and conservation programs. All these actions ensure that markets remain transparent, regulated and subject to external scrutiny. 

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