Crafting tomorrow's Luxury

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Crafting tomorrow's Luxury

“Luxury and sustainability are one and the same.” Reflecting this deeply held conviction of François-Henri Pinault, sustainability is at the heart of Kering’s strategy as much as its creative and modern vision of Luxury. By the same token, it is an ethical necessity and a driver of innovation and value creation for the Group, its Houses, and its stakeholders.

2017-2025 roadmap

Care, Collaborate, Create. Three pillars to develop a more sustainable and responsible Luxury. Three pillars that shape Kering’s 2025 Sustainability Strategy in a world where reducing resource consumption and respecting people are absolute necessities. Three pillars that embody and drive our ambition: to Craft Tomorrow’s Luxury.



Sustainability is represented at every level of our governance, from the Board of Directors and the Sustainability Committee to the managers of our Houses and the Sustainability Leads. Altogether, some fifty members of our staff are involved in the implementation of our roadmap.
Find out more about our gouvernance
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Marie-Claire Daveu : moving towards sustainable Luxury

Marie-Claire Daveu, Kering’s Chief Sustainability and Institutional Affairs Officer, outlines the Group’s vision and commitments.