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Kering’s commitment on behalf of women is recognized worldwide. In 2019, Kering ranked tenth among the 7,000 global companies on the Thomson Reuters Diversity & Inclusion Index. The Group’s outstanding performance in promoting gender equality was already commended in 2016 when the GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) was awarded to its corporate entities in Europe.
In 2010, Kering was one of the first to adopt the Women’s Empowerment Principles, an initiative of UN Women and the UN Global Compact. By endorsing the Principles, businesses make a concrete commitment to promote the advancement of women in the workplace and the community. That same year, Kering launched its Leadership and Gender Diversity program to enable women to take on management roles at the highest levels and, more generally, to embed a culture of equality throughout the Group.
Kering is committed to inspiring women to develop their talents and to supporting them with initiatives such as mentoring programs, which prepare women through experience-sharing to take on positions of responsibility. Kering is also proud to participate in the women’s international leadership program, EVE. These actions are yielding results: today women at Kering account for 63% of our total headcount; 57% of managers; 38% of our Executive Committee and 40% of our Board of Directors (excluding Directors representing employees) – placing Kering well ahead of other CAC 40 companies in terms of gender equal leadership.
In addition to these actions within the Group, Kering is giving support to women through two initiatives emblematic of its commitment: the Kering Foundation, which has been combating violence against women for ten years, and Women In Motion, a program created in 2015 to highlight the place of women in cinema with the objective of changing mentalities and behavior.